A child’s inability to focus, and other issues relating to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are more prevalent today than ever before. Oftentimes accused of being disruptive and unmanageable, these children experience difficulty at home, at school, and in forming good relationships with peers.
My Friend the Troublemaker is a child-friendly text presented in an engaging format that offers children simple, effective strategies that help them to understand and deal with ADHD. A delightful story combined with charming illustrations provide young readers with creative solutions and practical tools that empower them to pay better attention, handle everyday tasks, make friends, build self-confidence, and have an easier time at school.
The last section of the book is a rich resource of helpful information with insights on Facts about ADHD, How Parents Can Help, How Educators Can Help, Modifications for ADHD and Reading, and ADHD in Adults. Here is an outstanding guide that provides parents, educators, and children with encouragement, help, and hope for the future.
Rifka Schonfeld is an acclaimed educator and social skills specialist with over 30 years experience. She founded and directs S.O.S.: Strategies for Optimum Success, and conducts social skills workshops for children, teens, and adults. She is also the author of My Friend the Bully, and My Friend the Volcano.