
Feivel and Gavriel are stuck in the same situations, but somehow Gavriel always manages to come out of those situations with a positive spin. Read about the ways that growth and fixed mindsets can change the way you look at the world!

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Combining four books geared toward helping children understand anxiety, anger, bullying, and ADHD, this box set is the perfect gift for anyone who loves to learn – and to read a good story!

Product Features

Pinny innocently reacts to a “friend” who belittles and intimidates him. When the meanness turns into active bullying, Pinny’s bewilderment transforms into fear, shame and phantom stomachaches. Pinny gets the support and tools he needs to overcome the challenge.
Follow along as the narrator reads the story of Pinny’s experiences being bullied in school. Through the help of those around him, Pinny learns how to respond and overcome the abusive behavior of the bully.

Product Features

In this colorfully illustrated book, Pinny introduces us to his friend Nochum who can’t sit still. With time, Pinny learns that Nochum has ADHD, and the reader and Nochum learn together about different ways to help Nochum succeed in school and in life.
Follow along as the narrator reads the story of Pinny’s friend who just can’t sit still. The story focuses on a grade school student with ADHD and the skills he learns to succeed.
Pinny tells us about his explosive friend Reuven who erupts with anger at the slightest provocation in the dynamic My Friend, the Volcano. Reuven gets kicked out of summer camp because of his fits, but with the help of family and friends, he learns how to control his shaky trigger.
Follow along as the narrator reads the story of Pinny’s friend who cannot control his anger. His temper tantrums threaten to make him lose all his friends and even get kicked out of camp. With time and effort, Pinny’s friend learns to gain control of his anger and channel it toward something positive.
Follow along as the narrator reads the story of Pinny’s friend who washes his hands frequently, has trouble saying goodbye, and needs to repeat davening over and over again. Through an understanding of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Pinny’s friend learns to stop “feeding his worry monster” and enjoy life around him.
Follow along your favorite “My Friend” book. This set includes all four books on CD: My Friend the Bully, My Friend the Troublemaker, My Friend the Volcano, and My Friend the Worrier. Listen to the narrator as you turn the pages to these colorful and educational books.