
My Friend, the Worrier follows Shimon as he deals with anxiety that threatens to make life almost impossible for him. With help from his specialists, family, and friends, Shimon learns to shrink his anxiety “monster” and enjoy life again.

Do you feel like you are constantly looking for answers? Answers about anxiety, social skills, anger management, parenting techniques, ADHD, organization and procrastination? These life skills are essential to every parent, educator, student, and mental health professional.

In her new, comprehensive book Q&A with Rifka Schonfeld, the author gathers questions from her readers – and answers them. Described by Dr. Paul Foxman, the Director of the Vermont Center for Anxiety Care, as “insightful and informative” while offering “down-to-earth advice,” this book is a go-to guide for those who want all of their answers in the same place. Rifka’s non-judgmental tone and genuine empathy allow readers to feel comfortable accepting and integrating her tips and solutions. Organized by topic, Q&A with Rifka Schonfeld is a “wonderful resource that will be read and re-read,” according to Dr. Robert Brooks, author of Raising Resilient Children. A must-read for anyone looking to improve their lives and the lives of those around them!
This book is all about the different social skills children and teenagers need throughout the day. The book is organized by two page spreads in which the left side portrays a child who lacks the social skill and the right side portrays that same child after he or she has gained the social skill. The illustrated section of the book has little text in order to keep the message clear and simple so that all children learn from the book.
This comprehensive and colorful workbook is a tool for parents, educators and social service professionals working with children who struggle with a variety of social, emotional or developmental issues. The workbook is separated into six sections: Bullying, Friendship, Attention Deficit Hyperactvity Disorder, Executive Function, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Anxiety. Each section contains twelve worksheets and a quiz or diagnostic.
This audio CD contains answers to many of the frequently asked questions regarding anxiety and ADHD. Want to understand the root of anxiety? How to treat it? Want to recognize the symptoms of ADHD? This CD provides many of the answers.